Tao and the art of Tai Chi Chuan
Tai Chi Chuan:
Ontspannen zijn is een toestand. Het is geen techniek.
Etre detendu c'est un état d'etre, pas une technique.
Entspanntem Zustand: ein Zustand des Ausgleichs.
To be relaxed is a situation. Not an art.
Living is a way that is outwardly simple.
We are living today in a world where words have lost their meaning,
where non-communication and technology is advancing at high speed.
It's a complicated world.
Yes we need simple words, we need simple things,
we need to go back to basics.

Hello, I am Walter. Welcome to my site Yang Lu Chan – Old Yang Style.
After approx. 40 years of ‘Martial Arts’ this is the essence
of what I think to know about Tai Chi Chuan.
At least, as far as I think about it now.
Being not a Tai Chi teacher nor a Tai Chi label manager with a mission
I am doing Tai Chi Chuan for years amusing myself and my friends.
Tai Chi Chuan is a very abstract martial art.
Language cannot be used to express everything wholy and accurately
and the trouble with facts, styles,
movements and postures is that there are so many of them.
I am a student. The self critical part of me says I am not Spongebob.
I am not perfect for I know perfection is unhelpful to me or my friends.
All I learned I learned from others. All I know I know from others.
I don’t like hocus pocus, even hard work does't promise success.
What you see is what you get:
this is an attempt to put ‘Tai Chi Chuan self defense’ in
a broader framework.
Remember that Tai Chi cannot be limited to its martial,
nor to any other specific aspect.
Tai Chi Chuan is also an art of living.
The ancient Chinese art of acquiring knowledge
and perhaps certain wisdom.
All I know about wisdom I know from others. There is no crazy wisdom: wisdom is the art of being balanced.
Most people today believe they have to know before they can act. They will learn the business of learning first. Well then, I tried to find words to describe my own way of learning Tai Chi Chuan without talk of enlightenment.
Enjoy the ride as we all find our own way.
If I had more time I would have a shorter message.
So, take what is worthfull, let go of useless.
Progress consists in the elimination of nonessentials.
Thanks to all my students.
With heartfelt thanks to all my teachers.
A teacher for one moment makes
a lifetime of difference.
Walter Marsoul
Official certificated WTBA instructor.
Head instructor Tai Chi Chuan Old Yang style Wuwei Hasselt.
World Taiji Boxing Association representative for Belgium.
Member Kodokan black belt association.

webmaster Ria
Last updated: August 15, 2013
Copyright ©Walter Marsoul 2009-2013. All Rights Reserved.